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Virtual Charity Run

No Matter how,
No Matter where,
No Matter When.

8-14 Sep 2024

Do something good for your health - and help others.

Do something good for your health - and help others.
Do you want to do something good but don't have the means? Are you simply looking for motivation to go running? Are you passionate about running and like to support others? Great - then you've come to the right place! Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, the main sponsor of the Tübingen Erbe Run, will donate 50 cents to its social partner Doctors Without Borders for every kilometer you run. All you have to do is run.

Social partner & donor

This is how it works

To take part in the Virtual Charity Run you have to register - participation is completely free.

You will receive a link at the beginning of September to record your running activity. Between September 8 and 14, 2024 you have the opportunity to run, run or walk (run and walk intermittently) as often as you like and collect your kilometers for a good cause. You can also choose the time and place. However, you should always record the kilometers with your smartphone or a GPS watch.
Please note: only distances that you have covered on foot will be collected.

You can upload your recorded kilometers with a screenshot of your smartphone or a photo of your GPS watch by 24:00 (GMT+2) on 14 September 2024.

Can I take part in both the Virtual Charity Run and the Erbe Lauf?

Yes, of course!
Please register separately for the individual competitions. This is how you support Doctors Without Borders and the regional social partner of the Erbe Lauf.

Where can I see my kilometers/my certificate?

You can find the results here after the race: You can use the link to print out your certificate at home.

Can I register at a later date?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to register from the Virtual Charity Run at a later date.
As participation in the Virtual Charity Run is free of charge, you will not incur any costs.

When can I collect kilometers?

For example, you can go for a walk with your colleagues during your lunch break or do your run late in the evening if it's too hot during the day. It is only important to complete and upload your runs within the period from September 8 to 14, 2024.

Are there two social partners?

That's right!
Our main sponsor, Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, has decided to support an international organization in addition to our regional social partner.
You can support the international organization, Doctors Without Borders, by participating in the Virtual Charity Run.
You can support our regional social partner by passing through the donation gate at the Erbe Run.

Where can I collect kilometers?

You can take part anywhere in the world. For example, on the treadmill, on vacation, on a walk with the dog, on a hike in the mountains, etc.

Are there any entry fees?

There are no entry fees. Participation is free of charge!

Which activities are permitted?

Everyone has different physical requirements, so walking, hiking and handbiking are allowed in order to collect as many kilometers as possible. Just please don't use a bike or other means of transportation that you don't use for walking.

Around The World

‍Together you simply go further! Participants in the Virtual Charity Run have collected kilometers around the globe. Whether by day, by night, on sand, on asphalt, in the mountains or in the forest, every kilometer counts and is an enormously important part of the good cause. Not only did it amount to an enormous  distance a lot of kilometers come together, but it also generated a considerable donation, which was taken over and increased handed over to and additionally raised by Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH.‍

KM covered
€ donations raised
€ total donation


Eva Dieterich
10.000m German champion 2024
Running three laps through your home town is simply something special. Especially with so many friends on and around the course.
Eva Dieterich
10.000m German champion 2024
Frederik Ruppert
3000m steeplechase under 23 European champion 2019
As a newcomer to Tübingen, I've only heard about the Erbe Lauf from stories so far and everyone raves about the unique atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to experiencing it myself this year and hope for a fantastic atmosphere!
Frederik Ruppert
3000m steeplechase under 23 European champion 2019
Maximilian Thorwirth
5000m Vize-German champion 2022
For me, the special thing about the Erbe Lauf is the socializing together. Whether you're a professional or amateur runner - we start together and high-five again at the finish.
Maximilian Thorwirth
5000m Vize-German champion 2022
Lorenz Baum
German marathon champion 2023
Every year I look forward to running through Tübingen with the LAV team at the Erbe Lauf. You hear his name almost everywhere on the route, so it's just a great feeling for me to run there.
Lorenz Baum
German marathon champion 2023
Sabrina Mockenhaupt-Gregor
49 times German champion
Pure atmosphere throughout the city. An incredibly good event!
Sabrina Mockenhaupt-Gregor
49 times German champion
Hanna Klein
3000m European indoor champion 2023
When I think of the Erbe Lauf, I always think of the great atmosphere on the course. The course is also varied and challenging, but that's exactly why it's so much fun.
Hanna Klein
3000m European indoor champion 2023
Lisa Merkel
10.000m roadracing Under-23 German champion 2024
I'm running in the Erbe Lauf for the first time this year. I'm already really looking forward to it because everyone is raving about the great atmosphere.
Lisa Merkel
10.000m roadracing Under-23 German champion 2024
Richard Ringer
European marathon champion 2022
The atmosphere at the Erbe Lauf is unique, the course is super varied and completely packed with spectators. An event that I will always remember!
Richard Ringer
European marathon champion 2022

DIY bib number

Print out the template, cut it out and establish a race feeling at home.

Die Entstehung

Die Geschichte der Erbe Roadrunners beginnt 1998. Ein Mitarbeiter aus dem Vertrieb unserer Firma bildete im Vorfeld des Tübinger Stadtlaufs ein Team aus 10 Arbeitskollegen. Die damaligen Geschäftsführer Christian O. Erbe und Reiner Thede unterstützten die sportliche Initiative, sie ließen für die Gruppe T-Shirts drucken und luden die Läufer anschließend zum Frühstück ein. Das Frühstück wurde zu einer Tradition...


In Anlehnung an die Tübinger Stocherkahnrennen erhielt der langsamste Mitläufer zum Spaß eine Flasche Lebertran, die der Gründer der Erbe Roadrunners jedes Jahr mit Humor entgegennahm.
Mit den Jahren wuchsen die Erbe Roadrunners stetig an auf mittlerweile über 100 Mitläufer. Auch unser Engagement als Unternehmen ist intensiver geworden. Mittlerweile ist Erbe Namenssponsor und unterstützt im Rahmen des Tübinger Erbe-Laufs Sozialpartner in der Region.
Die Coronapandemie zwang den Veranstalter, 2020 den Lauf vollständig virtuell zu gestalten. Dies entpuppte sich jedoch als großer Erfolg. Auch für unsere Erbe Roadrunners, die nun auch aus unseren Tochterunternehmen in Amerika, Europa und Asien dazukamen.
Die allermeisten Erbe Roadrunners sind reine Freizeitsportler und lieben einfach die Bewegung an der frischen Luft. Doch wir können auch auf bemerkenswerte Erfolge verweisen: Unser bisher schnellster Mitläufer, Tobias Babel, erreichte 2019 mit 34:35 Minuten einen beachtlichen 18. Platz beim 10 km Lauf.
Mach mit und werde Teil unserer Erbe Community, indem du deine positive Energie für den guten Zweck einbringst.
Melde Dich als Erbe Roadrunner für den Virtual Charity Run an.


Erbe Roadrunners

Are you looking for a virtual community to share your running experiences, exchange ideas and make international contacts? Then join the Erbe Roadrunners Club on Strava.

Established by a company team from Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, the Erbe Roadrunners now exist as an open Strava community that feels connected in team spirit and social responsibility. But above all, they run and post for the Virtual Charity Run!

We say thank you

The great commitment of all those involved generated so much enthusiasm that the management of Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH decided to increase the donation amount to 10,000 euros.


Du möchtest auch für den Virtual Charity Run werben und deine Freunde und Kollegen motivieren, mitzumachen?







Charity Run

Coming Soon